November 11th, 2021
Dear Resident,
We are migrating to the SafePassage Solutions access control system.
This system will use your license plate number to recognize you and your visitors.
We are providing the following options for updating your information:
- Email SafePassage support and include your community’s name, address, and license plate number(s) support@safepassagesolutions.
com - Call SafePassage support and provide your community’s name, address, and license plate number(s) 407-385-0726
- You can also fill out the attached registration form with your license plate information and drop it off at the guardhouse
SafePassage comes with a visitor management system for residents. You can download this system by searching for ‘SafePassageMobile’ in your apple or android app store.
Please consider watching the tutorial below or reading the attached resident guide for more information. The Username of your account will be your email address, and the temporary password will be safepassage, all lowercase. Please change your password after you log in for the first time.
The new system will be live on December 13th. Residents that are not registered will need to use the visitor lane.
Have a wonderful day!
Scott Matthews Jr.
Community Manager