Their responsibilities include: to establish commissions and authorities, to maintain the roads, to prepare the building and zoning regulations, and to ensure that the community’s health, safety and welfare.
When formed in 1814, Pike County included the Townships of Middle Smithfield, Delaware, Upper Smithfield, Lackawaxen and Palmyra.

Please use this information in case of an emergency. Dial 911.

Currently cover over 400 square miles in Monroe and Pike counties, and handle over 3000 calls a year.

Learn more about parks and trails, athletic and fitness programs, park facility rentals and other recreational opportunities in the area.

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Learn how to pay and review your bill.

Find resources related to your trash and recycling needs and learn ways to keep The Glen environmentally friendly through the community

Animal Services accomplishes the goals of protecting public safety and ensuring animal welfare through compassionate, responsive, professional enforcement of the laws and public policy.
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