Town News|

June 10, 2021
Hello Residents,

We appreciate the 80 plus residents who came out to the emergency special meeting last night. Attached are the documents we handed out to assist in combating the proposed rate increase.  The first is a blank formal complaint against rate hike form. The following two are completed sample forms with talking points you can copy and use in your complaint. The last document provides step-by-step instructions for filing your complaint electronically.

If you choose to file your complaint electronically, you must first fill out and sign your complaint and save it as a pdf. Remember that you need two complaints, one for water and one for wastewater. You will get an email confirmation of your filing within one day. Please feel free to reach out to Marissa or me if you have any questions regarding this.

If you choose to file your complaint in writing, we learned just this week that the PUC is not accepting complaints sent in the regular mail, citing the unreliability of mail delivery. The office will be collecting all written complaints and sending them together in a package via express overnight delivery on Monday, June 14th at 9 AM.

If you have already filled out a formal complaint and sent it in via regular mail, please fill out another complaint set out and drop it off at the office or file it electronically. Please include somewhere in your complaint a note stating that you are refiling to ensure that your complaint gets noted for the record as the OCA informed you that your complaint sent regular mail might not have been received by the PUC.

Thank you for your efforts in this fight against the rate hikes. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. Keep on going; your voice makes a difference.

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