Town News|

March 10, 2022

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the March 2022 President’s Report:

President’s Report March 2022
March heralds seasonal change, a time of wild variation and transformation. Just as our weather shifts, so too do things in our community. We are holding a homeowners information meeting in person and via Zoom on Saturday, March 26th at 10 AM and encourage all members to attend. We will be updating the community on the status of our pool and other recent developments.
We have confirmation now that our main pool has a significant leak. Due to current weather conditions, the location and full extent are yet unknown. The loss of water due to the leak, combined with the ice we have experienced this year, has caused our pool cover to rip. As soon as weather conditions are conducive, we are having Strand Pools perform a complete leak detection survey and will update the community.
Lehman Township has delivered us written notification that they will no longer be servicing our leaf and brush pile. The township had provided this service as part of our taxes, but they have discontinued it due to liability and insurance reasons. Therefore, our community will have to make other arrangements for disposal unless the township changes its decision.
The appeal period for a judgment against a former employee has expired, and we look forward to reimbursement for the community. In addition, we have hired a second compliance officer. Officer Tomika Sweeney will be working Friday through Sunday from 7 AM to 7 PM after her training period. As a reminder, our compliance officers can be reached directly by calling 570-245-5059.
The grand opening of our fitness center is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 22, 2022, from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. We are awaiting the final inspection of the universal machine, and then we will send a flyer out to all the residents with the details of the opening. We appreciate your patience in waiting for this center to open and hope to see you all at the official opening!


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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