Town News|

May 24th, 2023

Dear Residents,

As you are aware, the pool has been going through construction again. All of the individual pool tiles that were loose or damaged have now finally been replaced. The next step is installing the new coping on the pool. After speaking with Superior Pools and the engineer firm Cornerstone who over sees the work being done with the pool, we will unfortunately have to postpone the opening of the pool until the first weekend in June. The delay was caused by lack of workers, supply issues and weather. Due to the later than normal opening, we will be extending the closing date till after Labor Day, just as we did last year. Once everything is completed, the pool will be back into wonderful shape as it’s supposed to be. This is the last year for many more years that construction like this will take place at the pool. I understand how valuable and important the pool is to many of you and apologize for the inconvenience again this year. I will send out another email letting the community know when the pool will be open. We look forward to having a wonderful summer with the newly fixed pool. Thank you all and have a wonderful day.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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