Town News|

July 6th, 2022

Dear Residents,

The Postmaster provided a list of all mailboxes that will have to replaced and no mail will be delivered to these units until new replacement clusters are installed. We were hoping that a few clusters could be salvaged but unfortunately this is not the case. The mailbox numbers go as follows: U-1. U-2. U-3. U-4. U-5. U-24. U-25. U-26- U-24. U-25. U-26. U-27. U-28 and U-29. For those residents whose mailbox falls in those box clusters will have to go to the Post Office to pick up mail until further notice. All other mailbox clusters will still receive regular mail. I will keep the community updated when I have further information from the Post Office. Thank you for your patience in this matter.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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