Town News|

August 29th, 2022

Dear Residents,

There have been multiple incidents of dogs becoming loose in the community recently.

 As a reminder per PA Leash Law,

  • All dogs must always be confined within the premises of the owner, firmly secured by a collar and chain (leash) or must always be under the reasonable control of some person.
  • All dogs three months of age or older must be licensed.  Licenses are issued by the County Treasurer.
  • All dogs must be under control and must not be allowed to run at large.  Dogs are personal property, and owners are responsible for damages caused by their dog.
Rules and Regulations of The Glen at Tamiment POA:
 Annual Census Form 
All Owners must notify the Association in writing when there is a change in mailing address, telephone contact, vehicle information, pet registration, and email address. Failure to update information may result in a citation. The annual census form will be mailed to every member in June of every year and is due back no later than the annual meeting and election date that year. Failure to return by the annual meeting will result in access cards being disabled until the form is returned.
 Each offense Disabled Amenity Access Card
 Unauthorized Pets or Pet Nuisance
 Pets will be limited to dogs, cats, and other domestic animals as approved by the Association. No pet shall be allowed to leave the confines of a Lot without the Owner present and the pet on a leash. Please note that other state/federal/ local laws, ordinances, and regulations may apply as to pets and/or animals.
Offense defined: — Any animal kept as a pet in violation of state, federal, or local laws, ordinances, and regulations is prohibited. Any failure to clean up after a pet or to allow the pet to leave the Owner’s property without the owner and a leash is prohibited. A temporary ground tether that is not visible and used to secure pets are permitted. However, tying your pet to a tree or the like is unacceptable. If there is any doubt or confusion over whether an item is allowed, it is the Owner’s responsibility to contact the Manager for clarification.
Each offense $75.00
If you notice any loose pets, please call compliance at 570-245-5059.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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