Town News|

August 1st, 2023

The Glen at Tamiment POA

Board of Directors Meeting

July 6, 2023

In Attendance:  Cindy Toscano, Susan Nikolaou, Mike Blair, Pete Paryzki, Greg Leone, Scott Matthews via Zoom.

Cindy called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.  A quorum was present.

A motion to approve the Meeting Minutes for April 17th and June 3rd Nomination meeting was made by Mike and the motion was 2nd by Pete.  Approved by all.

President’s Report – C. Toscano

As we move into the heart of the summer months here, things have transitioned to the typical pattern for this time of year. The pace of our community quickens in the summer; we are blessed with visits from family and friends who come to share this beautiful natural environment we call home. While we are always thrilled to welcome our guests, we kindly ask that you ensure they follow all rules and community protocols for the safety and well-being of all. There has been a noticeable increase in littering, unacceptable items placed into the compactor, dog waste not picked up, and motor vehicle infractions. Let’s all work together towards keeping our community safe and inviting.

We are pleased to announce the hiring of our new Administrative Assistant, Destiny Sanchez. Destiny will be in the office, answering phones, helping residents and guests alike, Tuesday through Saturday after her initial training. Take a moment to stop by and introduce yourself to our newest team member. While you are there, don’t forget to fill out and drop off your annual census form!

Our Annual Membership Meeting and Board of Directors Election will take place on August 5th at 10 AM in the gathering room of the clubhouse. Residents have the chance to meet the candidates for this year’s election on Saturday, July 15th at 10 AM. Attend and participate in the democratic process of our community and let your voice be heard.

I would also like to wish all of our residents a very happy Independence Day. I know there are many problems outside our gates, and our country may seem to be headed in a direction that is concerning. There are deep divisions and discontent that seems to be permeating our society. We must realize that change is always inevitable and while we may long for the good old days, for better or worse we must move forward. With all things considered, we still live in the greatest country on Earth, and we all should be proud and feel privileged to call it home. I ask you this Independence Day to pause and reflect on the bounties and privileges we have living in this great country. Make your voice heard in improving, that which you feel is wrong. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have volunteered in our community to provide a safe, enjoyable and fulfilling environment for all of us to enjoy and share. If you are a new resident, or find that you have some time to spare, please find a committee where you can share your time and talents. Have a great summer!

Treasurer’s May Financial – G. Leone

Here is our May financial update. Our net income for the period ending May 31st is $62,959. As always, if you would like to see the details behind any of the figures below or have any questions, please contact Scott at

Balance Sheet Update – a view of our key assets & liabilities

  • Assets:
    • Cash in Banks: $471,075 ($307,955 reserves)
    • Accounts Receivable: $182,412 (i.e., dues/fees more than 90 days past due)
  • Liabilities: Accounts Payable: $117

Income Statement Update – a view of our key (i.e., largest) income and expense accounts

  • YTD 2023 Income:
    • Current Year Association Fees: $500,845
    • Transfer Fee Income: $22,591
    • Prior Year’s Dues/Fees/Violations: $112,876
    • Current Year’s Fees and Violations: $74,063
  • YTD 2023 Expense:
    • Compliance payroll: $40,544 (YTD Budget = $32,915) 
    • Lawn/Snow/Grounds Maintenance: $82,375 (YTD Budget = $82,705) 
    • Admin./Management: $47,671 (YTD Budget = $60,415)
    • Trash Removal: $39,764 (YTD Budget = $41,040)
    • Insurance: $14,324 (YTD Budget = $15,920)
    • Propane: $4,778 (YTD Budget = $4,585)
    • Legal Expense: $355 (YTD Budget = $8,540) *Credit received from 2022
    • Water/Sewer: $805 (YTD Budget = $2,500) *Credit received from 2022
    • Legal Collections: $25,078 (YTD budget $20,835)

Committee Updates

Beautification: Scott suggested we plant perennials at the entrance way of our community and it was noted they must be deer resistant.  He also reported we received a check for $70.00 for our sneaker drive to be used towards beautification.

Events: July 7th Friday – Kids Pool Party weather permitting.

July 15th Saturday, Meet the Board candidates at the clubhouse at 10:00 and the Events committee will serve coffee and snacks.

August 5th Saturday – Elections and Annual meeting 10:00 at the clubhouse and at 1:00 – 6:00 Community Day Festival. We are looking for assistance that day if anyone is available.

Safety & Security:  After much community discussions and concerns, Scott has decided to ask Mike and Jessica Sampere to form a Safety & Security committee to come up with ideas for our community to help combat problems here, such as speeding and reckless driving. We look forward to the development of this committee.

Old Business

Legal: Everything we have has been given to our attorney pertaining to our front entry sign replacement.  We have received an additional quote for a lower price than we were previously quoted.

We also have received quotes for the installation of the sign. As far as a 2nd sign is concerned; we do not own the property on the alternate side of our community entry and we would need a letter from the new owner giving us permission, as well as a permit from our township. For this reason, we are not currently pursuing a second sign.

Drains & Swales: AJ Jobs is starting the Rivendell drainage repair project on July 17th weather permitting. Letters will be going out shortly to our residents who must give attention to their swales.

New Business

Rental Policy Update: After much discussion, Cindy will draft a policy for the Boards approval and then it will be sent to our attorney for his approval.

Projects for 2024: Cindy requested we come up with a list of projects for 2024 for budgeting purposes and a review the reserve study for applicable items to consider.

Constable Discussion:  Per our attorney, because our compliance officers do not have the necessary equipment to write citations for speeding and reckless driving, we may consider using a Constable.  Our attorney recommends the final decision should be up to the Board.  He also suggests we check with our insurance coverage to be sure there will not be a problem and also check his references since he does work for other communities. If he is hired it would only be on occasion and only for speeding and reckless driving.

Maintenance Schedule: Cindy requested we look over the recommended Preventative Maintenance Toolkit booklet that was emailed to us and within 1 week respond with our opinions.

A motion was made to formally close the meeting by Pete and the motion was 2nd by Susan.  Approved by all.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Kindest regards,

Susan Nikolaou


The Glen at Tamiment Board of Directors


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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