Town News|

January 11th, 2022

Dear Homeowners,
Our Board Secretary Susan Nikolaou and her husband have sold their home and are moving to South Carolina. She has submitted her resignation from the board effective January 9th, and we have accepted with heavy hearts. We are so grateful for her tireless volunteer service and dedication to our community and will miss her terribly. We wish her and her husband the very best in their new adventure.
In compliance with our bylaws, the remaining board members gathered for a reorganization meeting this past week to appoint officer positions. The results of this meeting are as follows:
President- Cindy Toscano
Vice President- Pete Paryski
Interim Secretary- Mike Blair
Treasurer- Dmitry Kovalenko
We currently have one open board seat with a term that expires in August of 2023. We encourage members in good standing who desire to help guide the community forward to send an email to the property manager Scott Matthews Jr. at regarding the board vacancy. We request that all members interested in volunteering to serve should make sure to email no later than January 20, 2022. Please keep in mind that to be considered a member in good standing, you must not have an outstanding account balance and must be listed on the recorded deed of your property. We are interviewing all interested candidates and will be appointing a new board member in the near future.
Please know that we are committed to serving this community and working collaboratively to meet any challenges head on while still progressing to make this community a place where all residents can thrive. Let’s all join together and work hard to keep our community a desirable and sought after place to call home.
Best Regards,
The Glen at Tamiment Board of Directors


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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