Town News|

April 26, 2022

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the April 2022 President’s Report:
President’s Report April 2022
Spring is here, and we have a ton of good news to share. First, Community Associations Institute has awarded our community the Gold Star Community designation! This designation involves a lengthy and detailed investigation into every aspect of life here and is only awarded after careful evaluation by an independent committee. The official ceremony will be held at the Valley Forge Casino Resort on May 12th at 9 AM. Any interested member is welcome to attend; just email Scott. We are thrilled to have this honor bestowed upon our community!
The preliminary draft of our 2021 annual financial review is complete, and we are pleased to announce that there were no recommendations for improvement. The final report will be delivered to the community as part of our annual reporting due within 180 days of the fiscal year-end.
Yoga Classes are starting in the gathering room! There are two classes currently scheduled; one on Saturday, April 23rd at 9 AM and one on Friday, April 29th at 5:45 PM. We hope residents sign up and attend these classes so that we can keep them going. In addition, the Events Committee has a calendar full of fun activities planned for the community.
While we collaborate with neighboring communities on a possible solution to Lehman Township’s discontinuation of leaf service, we are considering opening up a temporary area for leaf disposal on Tamiment Road.
The survey from the Strategic Planning Committee is closed, and we look forward to the committee report next month. Thank you to the 58 residents who took the time to share your opinions!
As mentioned previously, we are open to amending our governing documents, and we need all of you to participate. To that end, we are asking for a resident from each street to volunteer to be a block captain. The block captain will be integral to our efforts to get the word out to your neighbors to vote on the proposed amendments. Remember, amendments can only pass with a ⅔ vote in favor of the entire membership.
The winter is behind us, and we have bright sunny days ahead. We hope to see you at the many events and meetings we have coming up!


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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