Town News|

November 30th, 2022

Dear Residents,

This email is to address the rumors that are being stated about the garbage area. The garbage disposal in our community is a major operation that effects everyone in the community, especially when the compactor breaks down. With that being said, compliance is constantly checking the cameras to make sure everything is operational as well as making sure the proper garbage is being disposed of. As stated, numerous times, the compactor is for household garbage only. This is to protect not only the compactor but also to protect other paying community members from having to be inconvenienced because a resident disposed of something that should not have been placed in the compactor which could potentially damage and cause the compactor to be closed. Citations are only issued at the garbage area for the following reasons: non-household garbage is placed in the compactor, large cardboard boxes that could cover the drop pit, garbage is placed outside the compactor or recycling bins, and non-recyclable items are placed in the recycling bins. There simply have been no citations written for anything other than what was just stated. Throwing away garbage with two hands is not a violation nor will it ever be a violation.

The whole idea of compliance monitoring the garbage area is to simply protect the rule following members of the community. There have been multiple instances where illegal dumping has been discovered before any damage could take place which saved the community from being inconvenienced of having a broken-down compactor which was a major problem in the past. If you are ever unsure of what can or can’t be thrown away, please call the compliance team. They will be more than happy to let you know and this will also eliminate any chance of getting an illegal dumping citation.



Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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