Town News|

July 27, 2022

Dear Residents,

Please see below from resident Jennifer Rose:

“Energy release for healthy stress relief group:
 -It’s a one hour meeting.  Starting July 27th at 8pm and the next one is August 3rd  at 8 pm.
Come join us in a group designed to give the proper information on energy and stress relief techniques.
As we grow from birth we loose the ability to believe our bodies ability to heal, we take its intelligence for granted, and become miss informed throughout the years of the bodies true nature. We are taught to be civilized by nature this clogs our awareness of the stresses of our lives. Hopefully we can work together before it’s a problem. -It’s a problem when our bodies become dis-eased with disease.
We can come together via zoom to learn more about the 3 stresses and how energy plays a major part of our entire being. We will go over ways to be less stressed day by day.
I’m hoping to meditate with a cleansing energy wash with you tonight. Let me know if you can make it tonight or for the next one!
Join Zoom Meeting
“Unconventional grief support group: 
Jennifer Rose is hosting July 28th 8PM  & August 4th at 8 pm
Email me any questions you may have at
-Needs, Goals, Rules and Reminders
Duration- 1 hour+
When will we meet- we can get together a few times a month to start via zoom
Things you will need for this group therapy:
Paper and pen
Pillow – one you never use (or a hoodie or blanket you never use) -you only need this item if you are angry or need comfort.
Zoom app -it’s free for you, thanks to me.
Our goal is to create a safe space for everyone who participates.
Establish new ways of dealing with our loss on a day to day basis by listening to others and sharing our ways.
Group rules:
This is a judgment free and advice free zone. Keep in mind what works for you may not work for another, and sharing what works for you could help another.
Everyone is welcome to share, but are not obligated to do so.
Everything shared is confidential and not to be discussed outside the group.
Anonymous members of the group are allowed to remain anonymous and do not need to let themselves be known. (If you recognize them please respect their decision to hide out in this safe space.)
You are not obligated to be on video.
Please be respectful to the group (background noise can be an issue keep your audio muted till you’re ready to share.)
Moments of silence are welcome to reflect on the discussion (hard times in your mind and the ones we lost will apricate the thoughts.)
Respect one another, be respectful while others are talking. (Interrupting and monopolizing the conversation is not welcome.) So, if others choose to share they will have a chance to do so.
Try to remember:
We are not alone in our grief.
It’s okay to be here even if you’re okay today.
We are always entitled to grieve and heal no matter how long is has been.
Our intent is healing on this grieving journey.
Coping is guiding the healing process.
Facing grief and not rushing it helps pace the process.
Everyone heals and grieves in their own time, and in their own way.
All relationships are different, but a loss is a loss no matter the relationship.
Greif is the last act of love we can give a person, with grief their was great love.
Understanding there is no getting over a loss we get through it. So, we can learn to integrate the loss in to our lives while finding new meaning and purpose.
 Affirmations till we meet:
Peace is the result of retraining the mind to process life for what it is rather then what you feel it should be.
Join Zoom Meeting
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jennifer Rose directly at


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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