Town News|

June 22, 2022


Dear Residents,

Please see below from your Board of Directors:

Governing Documents Amendments Update
At our meeting on June 4, 2022, we asked the membership in attendance to vote on a motion to accept the proposal by our solicitor to update our governing documents (The Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions aka CCRs and The Bylaws) so that the Board may bring the proposed changes forward to the membership for a vote. He quoted us a flat rate of $2750 for this work. The majority of those in attendance voted yes. However, a member rightly pointed out that all members should have the opportunity to be part of this important decision, so our management team sent out an online survey to every member, which closed on June 17, 2022. The survey results indicated 75 percent in favor with 25 percent opposed to the motion to pay our attorney $2750 for this work. The motion has now passed.
We are moving to the next step of this process and encourage your participation. We are attaching the CCRs and Bylaws to this correspondence for you to review and submit any comments, questions, or suggestions in writing to our Community Manager Scott Matthews Jr. no later than July 1st. Our attorney will begin working on these document updates this week and complete them by the end of next month. We will forward any changes suggested by the membership to our attorney for review and inclusion in this amendment initiative.
After our attorney has presented the Board with these updates, we will prepare a line item ballot question for each item for the membership to vote on. Our goal is to have these amendments open for a vote both electronically and via paper ballot for two months, at which point we hope the entire membership has cast their vote.
This is a crucial initiative and requires time and effort on everyone’s part. We are doing this because our members have repeatedly stated that our governing documents do not reflect the current community we live in and should be changed. Please be aware that although we agree, your Board of Directors cannot vote to make these changes on our own. The changes you want to see can only be accomplished by ⅔ majority vote in the affirmative of the entire membership. We strongly urge all of you to let your voice be heard at every step of this process. To that end, we have asked for members to volunteer to be “block captains” and let their direct neighbors know about this initiative and how they can participate and vote. We have a diverse community comprised of full-time resident owners, second-home owners, landlord owners, and vacant lot owners. If the community wants to see the governing documents amended, we need to make a concerted effort to reach everyone. This cannot happen without all of you. We appreciate your time and attention to this matter. Thank you.


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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