Town News|

November 12, 2021

Dear Residents,

Please see the link below for this week’s update as well as a board brief:

● We are continuing our investigation of energy cost savings measures we can implement. One area we are investigating is changing the garbage area’s wired lighting from incandescent to LED. LED lights are 75 percent more energy efficient. We are doing a cost-benefit analysis for our next board meeting in two weeks.
● We are performing a cost-benefit analysis on our use of the Sperlonga Credit Reporting Agency. Delinquent accounts are currently charged a $25 a month reporting fee, payable upfront and recovered through the collections process. Unrecoverable accounts (such as bankruptcy and foreclosure) are credited back. Our contract with Sperlonga ends in March 2022. We have the option of terminating early for a fee of $4000.
● The underground loop at one of our exit gates sustained moisture damage. The loop is an electric wire that detects the metal from a vehicle and opens the gate. We have a quote from Eastern Alarm for $700 to repair the loop. We received another quote from Big Brother HD for $945. We are looking for other quotes. In the meantime, we still have one functional exit gate, so this is not an urgent issue.
● We continue to look for concrete evidence linking PA Asphalt to Burke Asphalt. Burke Asphalt (Patrick Burke) has no assets listed in Pennsylvania. PA Asphalt ( William Rafferty) does. The 2020 road contract and insurance certificate were with Burke Asphalt, even though the original bid was from PA Asphalt. The legal investigator was unable to find any linkage between the two companies beyond marriage.
We ask that any member with comments, suggestions, or questions regarding these items please reach out in writing to our Community Manager Scott Matthews Jr. via email to before our next board meeting in two weeks.
The judge has rejected the proposed rate increase settlement from the water company. Thank you to all the residents who fought so hard on this matter. Our resident Mona Annicaro, whose statement in opposition the judge quoted verbatim as a key reason for his rejection of the proposal, deserves a special mention.
Thank you, Chris Nielsen, for suggesting this regular update. We thank all our members for your continued engagement and feedback.


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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