Town News|

August 25, 2021

Dear Residents,

Please see attached for the 2021 Board Appointment and Reorganization letter.

We want to remind all members of the special meeting this Saturday regarding security options for our community now that Securitas had executed the 30 day termination clause of our contract. Please see the attached flyer. This meeting will be held in person at the clubhouse at 10am. If you are unable to make the meeting in person, please see below for the zoom link:

Please see below for a summary of the reasons why Securitas has terminated their contract with us. Ultimately, they were unable to meet their contractual duties.

  1. Securitas is unable to provide proper staffing levels, causing the current security officers to be overworked.

  2. There are ongoing issues with the TekWave box that still haven’t been repaired a year into the contract. The directory repeatedly removes homeowners’ names and addresses with no explanation. The audio and video of the remote guard center fails daily, forcing patrol officers to respond to the gate to assist with visitor entry. The QR code scanner has not functioned on multiple occasions, and visitors could not scan their passes to get in.

  3. All cameras have had repeated failures for months despite technicians trying to repair them.

  4. There have been multiple instances recorded where the remote guard lets people into the community without verifying visitor information or checking with homeowners, defeating the purpose of having a visitor management system.

  5. Their own guards working here in our community have had great difficulty getting responses from their management for assistance with issues.

  6. There have been weekly emails issued asking for a solution and timeline for resolution for 8 months straight. The answers have only been temporary fixes or no fixes at all. The emails have reached the national level chain of command still without answers.

These are some of the elements of our community security that are important and necessary to consider for our future options.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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