Town News|

February 2021

Dear Neighbors:

As we looked to update the rules and regulations, we became aware of certain items that were inconsistently treated in the past. In an effort to rectify this situation, we are proactively sending all residents a form specifically asking for approval for items we have on our properties, or would like to have on our properties, as some residents have received a citation for these in the past. The Rules and Regulations Committee has made a request to our board for these items to be approved if a written request has been made as our governing documents permit and they are in agreement. These items are window or wall unit air conditioners that extend past the envelope of the house and satellite tv dishes. We also requested Seasonal Flags (Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring) and they were approved with a stipulation of maximum quantity of (2) and no larger than 12” x 18” in size.

Please note that unless you complete the form and return it, having these items on your property will not be assumed approved. Once this form is returned, it will be kept as part of your permanent file and you will not be subject to violations for these items. Please fill out the form if appropriate, sign and either mail to Scott Matthews, our Property Manager or drop in his mailbox next to the clubhouse entry way.

We are working hard for all of you and encourage you to provide the committee with feedback. Thank you.


Rules & Regulations Committee

*Editor’s Note: Application form can be found in Important Documents section of this website

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