Town News, Uncategorized|

December 14, 2020

Hello Residents,

We want to remind all residents that the compactor is only for normal household garbage. Items such as building materials, furniture, fixtures, appliances, and other bulk items are not permitted and will result in citations. If it doesn’t fit in your kitchen trash can, then please don’t dispose of it in our compactor. In addition, please close the door completely after you dispose of your garbage. If you allow the door to remain open for your neighbor in line behind you, you risk a citation for unauthorized use of your access card. While you might think it’s a kind gesture of good will towards your neighbor, your neighbor might actually be illegally dumping. If you witness any bulk items being disposed of in the compactor, we ask that you notify the office or security. We thank all of you in advance for your efforts to keep our garbage area functioning and clean by following the rules and being respectful of others.

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