
We are pleased to announce the new board officers for our community. In compliance with our bylaws, the newly elected and continuing board members gathered for a reorganization meeting this past week to appoint officer positions. The results of this meeting are as follows:

President: Jessica Sampere
1st Vice President: Dmitry Kovalenko
2nd Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Cindy Toscano
Treasurer: Roman Shevorykin

  Regrettably, long time former board president and member Joe Bellantoni has resigned following the organizational meeting. On behalf of the entire board and community we would like to recognize his numerous contributions and years of service. Thank you Mr. Bellantoni and we wish you well in all your future endeavors! We will be sending a separate email to the community regarding the board vacancy and process of appointing a candidate to fill that seat. The entire board and management are looking forward to serving the community and making progress. We greatly appreciate the community member’s support and are eager to get to work on your behalf.

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