
Dear Homeowners,

We are pleased to announce that we are moving forward with a plan to invest in the development of a restricted access area at Second Pond (aka Tamiment Lake).

As we have learned, access to the beach area at the southwestern end of the lake is restricted to owners of the Glen at Tamiment and Eagle Point. Going forward, the Gate (see map on next page) to this area will be opened at dawn and closed at dusk and the Restricted Area (see map on next page) will be patrolled daily by Securitas.

In the coming weeks, we will be developing a plan for securing and beautifying this area, which will include new signs delineating the area of restricted access, issuance of new “Lake Passes” to owners in good standing, enhanced security, and investments in rebuilding the beach and patio areas, and discussing this plan with Eagle Point.

The Board of directors recognizes that the Lake is an important amenity and we believe that restricting access to this area will help us limit and monitor unlawful activity and maintain the progress we hope to make.

Additionally, we would like to invite all interested homeowners to help clean up the area this weekend (from 2-5pm on Saturday, July 25th and/or from 9am-12pm on Sunday, July 26th).

Please feel bring to bring any tools you have that might be useful (i.e. rake, shovel, gloves, weedwhacker, etc.)

Hope to see you there!


The Glen at Tamiment Board of Directors

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