Town News|

Pursuant to the adoption of the Amendments to Lehman Township’s Ordinance No.135, the Glen Board has approved the following rule changes pertaining to Short-Term Renting: The Glen Short-Term renting policy is in compliance with the Lehman Township Ordinance No.135 whereby an owner must reside in the dwelling unit during the rental period, or more than a total of 183 days (6 months) per year, in accordance to the permitted use in zoning district. The owner must register with The Glen POA paying a $500 fee to be left on deposit and provide a copy of the current valid Township Permit, approved Inspection Report and Proof of Insurance to cover any and all damage caused to neighbors’ properties or community; all documentation to be kept on file in the POA’s office. Owner will pay a $100 non-refundable fee each time new renters are registered with the office so as to allow passage through the Security Gate for the duration of their stay. Owner to provide a 24-hour emergency contact name, address, telephone number (preferably, a mobile number) with each new short-term request. 3 vehicles are the maximum to be on any property unless prior POA office approval is attained. A fine may be issued if found to be in violation. Owner to provide a copy of The Glen’s Rules and Regulations with each
lease/rental agreement to the renters. If Glen rules are violated, fines maybe levied against the owner and the Township will be notified of the infractions. Further, any owners who perform short-term renting without a permit will be fined $1,000 for each violation plus all costs incurred including office staff costs and legal fees. The incident will be reported to the Township for appropriate action. Lastly, if the renters and/or owners violate any of the Glen’s published Rules and Regulations or any of the aforementioned rules and requirements, amenity access will be revoked immediately until all infractions are resolved and the fees and/or fines are paid in full.

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