August 16th, 2024
A Letter From your Board President
Thoughts from an Outgoing President
A resident asked me a few months ago what exactly I did as the President. I thought to myself at the time, what an excellent question! Many residents go about their daily lives, coming to and fro in the community, without ever really knowing what happens behind the scene. So, as I prepare to depart my position as an officer of the Board with a sense of deep melancholy, I thought I would take a moment to share what I do on behalf of this community that I love so dearly.
It’s Tuesday morning around 10:30 AM, and I have already received and responded to eleven texts, emails, and phone calls from our residents. This is pretty typical of an average day. Not every board member does this, but I made a choice to be accessible to the residents of this community. I spent thirty to sixty minutes updating our community website and official social media sites. I check in with our local legislators and neighboring business owners and create opportunities that are a win/win for both them and our community. I follow up on the progress or challenges with our Glen committees and see if there is any support I can offer.
Kickstarting committees and bringing families together has been a project that I’ve passionately championed after several years of inactivity here. Staying updated on the latest industry news and legislative updates that impact our community, I actively participate in the CAI (Community Associations Institute) National Daily forum and have earned national recognition for our community in showcase articles published by CAI as a model for events committees. Through diligent efforts, I spearheaded the application and ultimate designation from CAI to be declared a gold star community, an award that less than five percent of communities nationwide have the honor of receiving. My close collaboration with board members and the management team enables me to understand the community’s needs and available resources. This understanding, specifically in association finances, has allowed me to contribute in various ways, such as donating a $1,000 Glen logo-branded tent used for onsite and offsite events, and personally purchasing supplies, food, and tickets for community members and events.
Notably, I recently completed a comprehensive grant application to secure and receive $75,000 in vital funding for a stormwater remediation project, leveraging my connections with legislators to increase the chance that we were awarded this state grant. This might sound like a lot of work, but when you love what you are doing it never feels that way and is incredibly fulfilling.
Change is inevitable, and I recognize that someone else could bring fresh perspectives and excel in this role. Thankfully perfection is not a prerequisite, and I’ve certainly made my share of mistakes. However, each experience has been a valuable learning opportunity, and I’ve had the privilege of connecting with amazing individuals. I have wholeheartedly dedicated myself to serving this cherished community, and I take pride in our collective achievements. My best wishes extend to all residents and their families, both now and in the years to come.
Cindy Toscano
Scott Matthews Jr.
Community Manager