Town News|

June 3rd, 2024

Dear Members,

As part of the lawsuit settlement negotiated last year, the association is obligated to legally amend our current Bylaws. We tried to do this earlier this year, and it failed due to lack of membership vote participation. The feedback we received from many of you is that the amendments were too numerous and complicated. Therefore, your Board of Directors is focusing on just one proposed amendment as follows.

Article 19 Section 1 establishes the procedure for amending the By-Laws. It is proposed the first sentence be amended to change the percentage of affirmative votes be required to amend the By-Laws from two-thirds (2/3) to at least fifty-one percent (51%). Recording of the By-Laws is not required in Pennsylvania, so this language was also removed, as was language related to Declarant (developer) amendment of the Bylaw, as this is moot.

It is vital that all members participate in voting on this proposed amendment. In order for this amendment to pass, we need 67 percent of all eligible members to vote in favor of this amendment which would lower the threshold for future amendment to a simple majority of 51 percent. Please look for an online voting email from Election Buddy starting this evening. Online voting for this amendment will be open until August 3rd.

Again, it is very important that you cast your vote in favor, in opposition, or abstain. Thank you so much for your cooperation and participation.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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