Town News|

April 15th, 2024

Dear Residents,

The Glen at Tamiment POA
February 24, 2024
Call to order: President C. Toscano opened the meeting at 10:20 AM.
Quorum: A Quorum of Board of Directors was met and a quorum of association members was present.
C. Toscano presented proof of the notice of the meeting to everyone
Attendance: Cindy Toscano, Rick Hoover, Kristen Martin, Michael Blair, Pete Paryzki and Scott Matthews Jr. attended in person.
Also in attendance: see attached sign–in sheet for homeowners that attended in person.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2023 Membership Meeting Minutes by M. Blair; the motion was 2nd by P. Paryzki. All in favor.
President’s Report February 2024 
Welcome and thank you for attending our meeting today! February is here and we are halfway through winter. Snowstorms are still possible over the next few months so I want to remind all our residents that any issues they might have with the roads should be reported to our Community Manager Scott via email. While the vast majority of you have expressed satisfaction with snow removal in the community and understand that significant accumulations require more time to thoroughly clear, we are aware of a few complaints and ask that you let Scott know so that he can direct our business partner AAF Landscaping to rectify any issues as soon as possible.
A huge thank you to all 200 plus residents that attended the in person hearings concerning the proposed increase to our water and sewer rates! I am so proud of how we stood together as a community to fight this outrageous proposal. We
will likely not have the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge until May and will keep you all informed as we learn of new information.
Your Board of Directors is really excited about the direction of our community this year and want to share some exciting news. We are now offering 24/7 access to the fitness center in the clubhouse! Any resident interested in taking advantage of this amenity outside of normal business hours should email our office to set up a meeting to receive access credentials starting on March 1st. In addition, we now have 3 recycling containers at the garbage area and are pleased to announce that recycling will be open every day from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Finally, we are in the process of creating a permanent scrap metal disposal area and anticipate that being available to all residents by the spring.
We welcome and encourage your participation in the community and appreciate your suggestions and feedback. This is your community and by working together we can achieve great things. Please consider volunteering for a committee or donating your talents in service to the community.
Treasurer’s Report
January 2024 Financial Update
Dear Neighbors,
Below is our monthly financial update. As always, if you would like to see the details behind any of the figures below or have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to Scott at
Balance Sheet Update – a view of our key assets & liabilities
Cash in Banks$735,344 ($420,696 reserves)
Accounts Receivable$338,561 (i.e. dues/fees more than 90 days past due)
  • Accounts Payable: $18,843
Income Statement Update – a view of our key (i.e. largest) income and expense accounts
YTD 2023 Income:
●Current Year Association Fees: $69,579
●Transfer Fee Income: $3,622
●Prior Year’s Fees/Violations: $156,097
●Current Year’s Fees and Violations: $4,125
YTD 2023 Expense:
  • Compliance payroll: $11,034 (YTD Budget = $10,550)
  • Admin./Management: $7,709 (YTD Budget = $7,556)
  • Lawn/Snow/Grounds Maintenance: $18,165 (YTD Budget = $17,112)
  • Trash Removal: $7,626 (YTD Budget = $8,208)
  • Insurance: $3,015 (YTD Budget = $3,309)
  • Propane: $0 (YTD Budget = $1,083)
  • Water/Sewer: $48 (YTD Budget = $500) 
  • Legal Expense: $0 (YTD Budget = $1,167)
  • Legal Collections: $4,392 (YTD budget $3,333)
  • Maintenance Projects: $1,221 (YTD budget $ 2,500)
C. Boers asked what discount taken under administration expense was referring to? This is the dues discount for payment in full.
L. Caplan asked if after a 5-year assessment will the special assessment be dropped.
We are unsure if we will need to do another special assessment. We are trying our best to save and hope to eliminate but it is too soon to tell.
F. Lind inquired on micro surfacing and wants to know life expectancy vs. using asphalt.
C. Toscano said she didn’t know off hand and would send a spec sheet.
C. Nielsen asked about clickpay and how it works with paying in full.
R. Hoover explained that once the money is paid in full it becomes community money and then some funds would be moved into a money market account to gain interest.
C. Toscano clarified that in 2021 a professional reserve study was conducted. The results stated that in order to maintain assets a minimum of $500,000 a year added to reserves for multiple years was needed to maintain the clubhouse, roads and stormwater.
2023 Financial Summary Review
Dear Neighbors,
Below is our 2023 Financial Summary Review. As always, if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to Scott at
Accounts Receivable Year over Year (i.e. dues/fees past due)
2022                       2023                       YoY                         Write off               AR 2023                Beg 2024
$227,573              $336,974              $109,401              $65,431                 $43,970                 $271,543
Write offs – Repositories / Sheriff Sales / Legal Agreements on Payment plans
46 Residents in Legal Collections (December)
Top 20 owe $219,283
Prior (< 2022) collected in 2023 $58,274
Accounts Year over Year (Cash and Reserves)
YoY Increase
Accounts As of 2/22/24
Operating Cash
Operating Money Market
                Note – 142 residents paid in full for 2024
Although we are going in the right direction, we are still way below what is recommended for our reserves. It is assumed we should be adding $433,000 per year in reserves (2023 – shortage of $215,954).
Road Work is estimated at over 2.5 million Dollars, not including any other Capital Improvements
C. Boers asked when dues are paid in full why does money still show in the Clickpay account. Clickpay just reflects the credit but money is already drafted out of the homeowners bank account and each month the monthly payment is deducted from the credit.
P. Merrill asked if the $30 assessment per month was supposed to go towards roads because that is what was originally told it was going for.
R. Hoover replied that a special assessment is to get reserves up but not specific to only fixing the roads.
C. Toscano explained that our biggest expense indicated in the reserve study is the roads.
P. Merrill asked about people behind in payments and if we are paying for those individuals not paying their dues.
R. Hoover replied yes we are unfortunately which is why the board and management are going after those delinquent payers extremely aggressively.
Committee Updates
-Easter Egg Hunt: March 23rd from 10am -12 Noon at the Clubhouse. This is a FREE event, but you MUST register with the office. Please provide child’s age when contacting the office.
There will be Baked Goods, Hot and Cold Beverages available for purchase as well as FUN FREE activities to do!! We will have an EGG HUNT, EGG DYING, FACE PAINTING and a COLORING and CRAFT CORNER!!!
There will be a prize for the finders of the GOLDEN EGGS!! SO, keep your eye out for those special eggs kiddos!! This is a rain or shine event!
-Adult Paint and Sip: Friday April 12th from 7pm to 9 pm
-Teen/Tween Paint and Sip: Saturday April 20th from 7pm to 9am
New Construction
            – 3-6 New homes are being built on undeveloped lots this year
– They are currently undergoing the process with builders’ packets, plans, rules, permits     etc.
Bylaws Amendments
Voting commenced the week of January 15th. Only members in good standing as of January 15th are eligible to vote. There are 268 eligible homeowners to vote. We need 2/3 vote in order to pass the proposed amendments.
D. Vaupel informed everyone that as of 1/19 the ballot went out via email. She explained the importance of voting and encouraged all to review and vote. Both election buddy (electronic voting) and paper ballots are available. Voting closes 4/15/24.
Only 29 people have voted as of 2/24/24. She is still seeking people who are interested in being clock captains.
C. Boers asked if we can extend the voting date if the number of needed votes was not met.
C.Toscano explained that no this is not allowed. Once we establish an open date and a close date, we have to stick to that, this is in accordance with Pennsylvania State Law.
New Business
Third recycling dumpster addition and hours 
  • Should be here next week / early March
  • Will be open 7am-6pm daily
Scrap Metal Disposal area
  • Will be available this Spring
  • A privacy fence is being put up for this scrap area. This will be open daily and ONLY SCRAP METAL will be placed here.
  • Scrapper will come on a needed basis to pick up
Fitness Center 24 hour access and liability / responsibility waiver
  • See Scott at the office on how to get credentials and to sign waiver
  • Available starting March 1st
Members Forum
L. Caplan asked if we could get a scrapper who would share the profits with us.
C. Toscano responded we do not know of any but if you know of one please let us know.
L. Caplan asked what incentives we are giving to new construction.
C. Toscano explained no incentives are being given. These are lot owners in good standing who decided to build homes.
P. Merrill asked if there was an update on The Glen sign. We have no update, this matter is being handled in court.
P. Merrill asked if we are keeping the temperature in the clubhouse at 55 degrees for the staff. We explained that we only have it at 55 degrees during non-use.
N. Corforte expressed that if he’s paying for 7 days a week for compliance for 12 hours a day why is there not always someone here. He feels that compliance is not doing enough.
R. Hoover explained that compliance is at the bus stop at 7am Monday thru Friday for pickup, doing at least 2 tours a day in the community, reviewing camera footage, writing citations and at the bus stop Monday thru Friday for afternoon drop off.
F. Lind asked if there was a pdf form about what qualifies as a commercial vehicle. He stated that it is not currently clearly defined.
A motion was made to close the meeting by C.Toscano; the motion was 2nd by K. Martin. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.
Kindest regards,
Kristen Martin
The Glen at Tamiment Board of Directors


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager


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