Town News|

November 27th, 2023
Dear Residents,
Two years ago, we managed to collectively submit over 40 formal complaints and have 82 residents attend a phone hearing in opposition to the proposed rate hike by our water and wastewater utility company. As you may know, the utility has submitted for another steep percentage increase (approx. 60 to 70 %) in what we pay and it is even more important to register your dissent. We are hoping for an in-person hearing at our clubhouse with an administrative law judge, but this is not guaranteed and depends on your participation in protesting his rate hike. Please take the time to file in protest because failure to act is tantamount to acceptance of this rate increase.
Attached are documents to assist in combating the proposed rate increase.   The first is the official blank “Formal complaint to proposed rate increase” form. Following that are two completed sample forms with talking points you can copy and use in your complaint. Also included is a consumer brochure from the PUC and finally, the last document provides step-by-step instructions for filing your complaint electronically.
Here are the docket numbers of the rate case filed with the PUC for your reference:
WATER: R-2023-3042804
WASTEWATER: R-2023-3042805
You can keep track of both these cases online through the following Public Utility Commission links
If you choose to file your complaint electronically, you must first fill out and sign your complaint and save it as a pdf. Remember that you need two complaints, one for water and one for wastewater. You will get an email confirmation of your filing within one day. Please feel free to reach out to our Community Manager Scott Matthews Jr.   if you have any questions regarding this.
If you choose to file your complaint in writing, know that the PUC is not accepting complaints sent in the regular mail, citing the unreliability of mail delivery. Remember that you need two complaints, one for water and one for wastewater. The office will be collecting all written complaints and sending them together in a package via express overnight delivery on Monday, December 19th at 9 AM as a convenience to our residents.
Thank you for your efforts in this fight against the rate hikes. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. Keep on going; your voice makes a difference.
Sincerely, Scott Matthews Jr. Community Manager  

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