Town News|

September 7th, 2023

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the Election Meeting Minutes:

The Glen at Tamiment POA

Homeowners Meeting

August 5, 2023

In Attendance: Cindy Toscano, Susan Nikolaou, Greg Leone, Scott Matthews Jr, And Mike Blair in person. See attached list of members who were present.

President Cindy Toscano called the meeting to order at 10:03am. A quorum was present.

The notice of the meeting was presented.

 Approval of June 3rd meeting minutes –a motion was made by Linda Digregorio and 2nd by Kristen Martin. All in favor.

President’s Report – C. Toscano

Welcome everyone and thank you for attending our annual membership meeting! Another year has flown by, and we are here once again participating in the most democratic process of electing members to our Board.

Your Board of Directors is an elected body of volunteers whose purpose is to build a strong community by managing assets, ensuring compliance with governing documents, preserving property values of owners, and finding common ground with one another. You could say our mission is to become the most desirable residential community in the area where residents enjoy safe, attractive housing in a harmonious community that is financially secure, and socially rewarding. To achieve this vision, we are aided by our wonderful staff and a small army of resident volunteer committee members who stepped up to the plate to be part of the solution, in addition to numerous individual contributions made by many of you. I would like to recognize all our volunteers by asking them to stand for a well-deserved round of applause. We encourage every single member to join a committee for at least one year while living here, as being part of the process provides insight that you truly cannot appreciate any other way.

As the saying goes, the only thing constant is change. That too applies to our Board of Directors. This month marks the end of Secretary Susan Nikoloau’s board service to our community after serving three years. She is a radiant, firm, but loving presence whose considered contributions will be dearly missed. We are sad to lose her as an officer and wish her nothing but love, joy, and good health in the future as she completes her time with us. As we say goodbye to Susan, we welcome newly elected directors after the election, and new administrative assistant Destiny Sanchez to the team. We look forward to working in alignment as a team, while moving forward into the future on behalf of the membership.

We will be tackling several critical projects during the next twelve months. First, we begin the 2024 budget planning process with an eye to identifying ways to reduce costs. As you all know, food, fuel, and insurance prices keep rising, which directly impacts many cost centers in our budget. In addition to working together as a team on the budget, we will also be holding two open budget work sessions that our residents can participate in, starting next month.

Second, we will continue the stormwater drainage repair project and plan for the major road repairs to begin in 2025. A sinkhole has developed in the parking lot by the detention basin that needs repair prior to the wintry weather setting in. We are addressing this alongside a newly formed oversight committee to ensure a proper, fiscally sound, long lasting solution. Any member wishing to participate in this, or any other committee, need only reach out to Scott in the office.

Finally, we are committed to the process of amending our Bylaws legally by mobilizing our membership to vote. As stated, prior amending our Bylaws, through the prescribed process by the end of this year, is a requirement of the lawsuit settlement earlier this year. The proposed amendments are available for everyone to review, and we encourage comments or feedback within the next month. We are asking for block captains once again to assist in getting out the vote on these amendments later this year. A few of our block captains last year made a tremendous difference in our efforts to amend governing documents. Please reach out to Scott or Destiny if you are willing to help in this regard.

In closing, I am overly excited by how far we have come as a community and look forward to where we can go, together. We have so many right-minded people living and thriving here, I am certain that if we continue working together and respectfully listening to one another, we will create a stable protective shelter from the storms happening in the world around us. I hope you enjoy the celebration of our community today at the festival put together by our fabulous Events Committee. We deeply appreciate serving you and cannot wait to see where we go next.

Financial Report – G. Leone

Dear Neighbors,

Here is our June financial update. Our net income for the period ending June 30th is $68,945. As always, if you would like to see the details behind any of the figures below or have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to Scott at

Balance Sheet Update – a view of our key assets & liabilities

● Assets:

o Cash in Banks: $450,283 ($326,076 reserves)

o    Accounts Receivable: $209,626 (i.e., dues/fees more than 90 days (about 3 months) past due)

● Liabilities:

o Accounts Payable: $6,852

Income Statement Update – a view of our key (i.e., largest) income and expense accounts

● YTD 2023 Income:

o Current Year Association Fees: $540,726

o Transfer Fee Income: $31,096

o Prior Year’s Dues/Fees/Violations: $115,583

o Current Year’s Fees and Violations: $86,494

● YTD 2023 Expense:

o Compliance payroll: $48,303 (YTD Budget = $39,498)

o Lawn/Snow/Grounds Maintenance: $96,708 (YTD Budget = $99,246)

o Admin./Management: $54,668 (YTD Budget = $72,498)

o Trash Removal: $49,115 (YTD Budget = $49,248)

o Insurance: $15,195 (YTD Budget = $19,104)

o Propane: $4,778 (YTD Budget = $5,502)

o Legal Expense: $1,535 (YTD Budget = $10,248) *Credit received from 2022

o Water/Sewer: $2,237 (YTD Budget = $3,000)

o Legal Collections: $36,773 (YTD budget $25,002)

Committee Updates – C. Toscano

C. Toscano spoke about the new food pantry that would be available for any homeowner in need. Donations are welcome at any time for non-perishable items. There is also a resident who is going to refurbish the donated bicycles that can be rented out for $5 a day.

M. Blair spoke about the Design and Review Committee. He reminded the community that the committee has 30 days to review a permit. He also went into detail on what to do to help speed up the process such as making sure the areas you want approval for are marked, bringing in copies of the color being used if painting and adding as much detail to permit form. He also stated if you provide times to the office that you are available as well for the committee to come and survey the property. C. Toscano added that there is a 3rd member now for the Design and Review Committee. She stated that this should help with speeding up the approval process as well.

C. Toscano spoke about the first annual community day taking place on August 5th, the masquerade adult party taking place on Saturday, August 12th, the kids pool party that is taking place on Friday, August 25th, the summer’s end picnic/karaoke night on Saturday, September 2nd and finally, a live blues band on October 8th performing at the clubhouse along with activities.

Vote counting– C. Toscano stated the names of the volunteers who would be counting the votes for the elections. Donna Vaupel as chair, Jessica Sampere, Rene Bressant and Marguerite Andre.

Project Update- Scott Matthews Jr.

Scott Matthews Jr. spoke about all the projects that were completed within the year. The first project spoken about was the pool. The pool plastering was finished in June of 2022 and the coping around the pool was finished in June 2023. The pool decking was power washed for the first time in a while. The drainage projects have begun. The Rivendell drainage issue was fixed in July 2023. Scott spoke about Cornerstone engineering reviewing all major projects and signing off on them once they are completed. Another project that was completed was the 34 potholes that were fixed in early Spring. The new addition of the bollards installed at the mailboxes to prevent any more damage to the mailboxes as well as adding privacy slats to the pool shed to hide the eyesores in the back. The carpet was installed in March in the office. A new drain was installed behind the community room to prevent any more water coming into the clubhouse. New chairs, tables and umbrellas were added to the pool area. The parking lot was vacuumed to remove loose stone so the pavement can drain properly. Finally, a new cable was installed to speed up the internet at the guard house for the visitors kiosk as well as cameras.

Unfinished Business

C. Toscano spoke about the number of complaints the board has received about speeding in the community. She spoke about the option of hiring a constable that was brought up at the nominations meeting. At this current time, the board is not pursuing this option. The board is looking for ideas on solutions to the speeding problem in the community. There is a potential to look into a speed monitoring device that would show vehicles speed as compliance watches. The board will look more into this once the new members are seated.

R. Bressant asked if this device was the same as the one located on route 80 for speeding. C. Toscano explained that it was not the same. The one on route 80 sends tickets to your home. The one the board would be looking at is a light weight, solar powered device that would just show the speeds of the cars passing it.

C. Toscano updated the community about the by-law amendments. We received a working draft for the board for review. The highlights were sent out to all residents for review. Once the board reviews the working draft, it will be sent out to the entire community via email blast. The goal is to open voting at the budget meeting and close by the end of the year. The board is looking for block captains to help get the required amount of votes.

New Business

C. Toscano spoke about the creation of a preventative maintenance checklist for the community. She gave an example of the power washing of the pool deck as an item that would be on the maintenance checklist. The goal of this is to get ahead of any issue before it ends up costing the community more money in the long term. This is also open to any resident that has any ideas for this checklist. They are to reach out to Scott Matthews Jr.

C. Toscano spoke about creating a draft emergency response plan. The first meeting will be Wednesday at 2pm for all residents who would like to attend and give input. The idea was created due to the increasing amounts of storms in our area. The plan would give the community a general idea on what to do in an emergency.

C. Toscano spoke about the budget workshop. Once the new board is seated, the board will begin working on the budget.  The board has already been looking at the different rising costs in some areas. One of the areas being looked at to help reduce the operation costs is the visitor management system. The board was given a preview of a different option that would get rid of the middle person being the kiosk concierge. This will be reviewed again once the new board seats. This could be a $20 to $30 thousand cost saving.

C Toscano spoke about the final item under new business being the contract renewal for FirstService Residential for another 3 years.

Community Forum

C. Boers asked about the possible new visitor system and if it would read the tag number on the vehicle and if it can, will the homeowners be able to enter in the tags themselves? C. Toscano explained that you will be able to control the system without entering tags in. She explained there are multiple ways for letting in a visitor through this new system. The options are the kiosk will ring to four different phones for entry, a pin number or a QR Code. She again explained that this is something that is not definite yet and that the board will be reviewing this more before making a decision.

D. Vaupel expressed her gratitude in the board’s actions regarding collections on past due accounts that will help keep dues lower in future years. She also asked the board to consider creating a non-profit wing that would help with fundraising efforts.

M. Marciano asked Mike Blair how long permit forms are good for? Mike explained that the current permits are good for one year. C. Toscano explained that the new permit forms have more detail and explain the process much better than the old forms.

A.Barerra spoke about her permit request about a garden she wanted. She stated she was told she cannot do the full length but only in 6 foot beds. She asked if the Design and Review could revisit that and look into that decision for future requests.

Meeting adjourned at 10:46 AM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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