Town News|

June 1st, 2023

Dear Residents,

Please see below from your Board of Directors:

We are writing to update all of you on the pool status. To say this project has been challenging would be an understatement. As many of you have experienced firsthand living here, finding reliable contractors and employees in our area is difficult. Pool contractors such as Superior are no exception. Superior has had multiple staffing problems that, when combined with material supplier delays and cancellations and mother nature, has resulted in their failure to complete the refurbishment of the pool on time for our projected opening.
Superior Pools is finishing the concrete forms this week and has concrete pours scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of next week. This comes after several concrete companies previously scheduled had either canceled outright or did not show. If all goes as planned and the weather is not a factor, they anticipate the pool being open and ready for us just prior to Father’s Day weekend.
We are looking forward to this project being completed and being able to enjoy the pool for many years to come before having to undertake a refurbishment again. Frustrations aside, we thank you for your patience and cooperation and are happy to announce that the pool season will be extended through mid-September to compensate for the late start this season.
Best Regards,
Board of Directors
Glen at Tamiment POA


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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