Town News|

May 3, 2023

Dear Residents,

The Glen at Tamiment POA
Board of Directors Meeting
April 17, 2023
In Attendance:  Cindy Toscano, Susan Nikolaou, Mike Blair, Pete Paryzki, Greg Leone, Scott Matthews via Zoom.
Cindy called the meeting to order at 7:17 pm.  A quorum was present.
A motion to approve the Meeting Minutes for March 8th and March 18th Homeowner meeting was made by Pete and the motion was 2nd by Mike.  Approved by all.
President’s Report 
Our community is buzzing with activity, a sure sign that spring has arrived. Nicer weather brings more residents outside to enjoy our scenic vistas and engage in spring clean up activities. With this in mind, we want to remind our residents to pick up after their pets. It doesn’t take much to remember that we have pets in the community. In fact, if you don’t watch your step, you’re liable to step in one such reminder! Besides being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to the health of our children who play in the community and other pets. When walking your dog in our community, remember that it must be leashed. Also, it is important to immediately clean up after your pet. Take along a baggie to pick up the droppings with and then dispose of it properly. By taking a few simple steps to clean up after your pet, you are contributing to the beautification of our community, and helping eliminate one of the most irritating nuisances. Thank you for your cooperation!
The semi-annual leaf cleanup of swales, as contracted with our landscaping partner AAF, will begin this month throughout the community. Please do not purposefully blow the leaves on your property into the swales, drains, or roads. As always, if you have concerns or issues with any of the contracted services provided, we urge you to contact our management team and work towards a resolution. Many of our business partners are struggling with finding and retaining good employees, which impacts the operation of our association. Our pledge is to hold them accountable to remedy any deficiencies, however this is not always a quick process and your patience is appreciated.
We are pleased to announce that a group of our members is working on proposed amendments to our Bylaws and an amendment that would allow home security signs to be displayed on lots. As with all proposed governing document amendments, this is an undertaking that culminates in a vote by all members in good standing to approve or deny and requires ⅔ affirmative vote in order to be ratified. We are holding an open Board work session to discuss amendments on Tuesday, April 25th at 7 PM in the gathering room and all members in good standing are invited to participate. Your franchise is perhaps the most important right extended to you in our governing documents and is protected by law, so don’t waste your opportunity to become involved in your community.
We thank all of you who have demonstrated common courtesy and civility when communicating with our staff and volunteers. Our modern society is in dire need of those two traits as the world becomes ever more challenging. It is the responsibility of each owner and resident to become knowledgeable and avail themselves of the many opportunities to become informed about issues and events in the community. However, I, and your Board are always learning, open to suggestions, and working towards maintaining and improving things here in this beautiful place we call home. While threats and tantrums directed at staff and volunteers will always be taken seriously, your right minded participation and engagement with us on finding solutions helps ensure a harmonious future. We are here to serve the association and membership, we know that it takes a village, and invite you to join us.
Treasurer’s Report
Here is our February financial update. Our net income for the period ending February 28, is $12,962. As always, if you would like to see the details behind any of the figures below or have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to Scott at
Balance Sheet Update – a view of our key assets & liabilities
  • Assets:
    • Cash in Banks: $454,326 ($254,659 reserves)
    • Accounts Receivable: $184,534  (i.e. prior years’ dues/fees)
  • Liabilities:
    • Accounts Payable: $0
Income Statement Update – a view of our key (i.e. largest) income and expense accounts
  • YTD 2023 Income:
    • Current Year Association Fees: $366,030
    • Transfer Fee Income: $3,401
    • Prior Year’s Dues/Fees/Violations: $91,785
    • Current Year’s Fees and Violations: $23,432
  • YTD 2023 Expense:
    • Compliance payroll: $16,020 (YTD Budget = $13,166  *three paid holidays ytd) 
    • Lawn/Snow/Grounds Maintenance: $36,269 (YTD Budget = $33,166) *because of bulk salt purchase
    • Admin./Management: $13,572 (YTD Budget = $24,166)
    • Trash Removal: $15,266 (YTD Budget = $16,416)
    • Insurance: $5,730 (YTD Budget = $6,368)
    • Propane: $2,009 (YTD Budget = $1,834)
    • Legal Expense: Credit on account $295(YTD Budget = $3,416) 
    • Water/Sewer: $821 (YTD Budget = $1,000)
    • Legal Collections: $12,537 (YTD budget $8,334)
Commitee Reports 
Design & Review –   Cindy suggested and attorney approved, we include the new Design & Review clarifications in our documents for our community.
Events Committee –   Our Bake sale  April 15 was successful with a profit of $233.00, which will be used for other events. Upcoming events include Dr Paul’s Wilderness Walk About Hike at the big lake on Saturday April 22nd, Kids Trivia on Sunday April 23rd, Political candidates running for office in our local area coming for a moderated forum at our clubhouse on April 29th from 1 to 3 PM, Memorial Day Potluck Picnic on May 27th  and after the BBQ there will be Karaoke at the clubhouse at 8 PM..
By-laws committee work session, April 25, Tuesday 7:00 PM clubhouse, open to all members as we need homeowners input.
Old Business
Our Attorney, Ed Hoffman, sent a Demand letter for $40,000 to Burke Asphalt’s insurance carrier and has not received a response yet.
Mike from Superior Pools will continue the repairs when the night temperatures are steadily above 40 degrees. We expect the pool to open Memorial Day weekend.
We contacted a Broker to come in and provide estimates for selling the four undeveloped lots held in the association’s name and are waiting to hear about pricing.
Scott received a quote for replacing the front entry sign and has sent it to the resident’s insurance company and it is being held up because they need more information. The 9 foot sign fabrication will cost approximately $4,000.00.  Scott will stay on top of this. Mike inquired about having a smaller sign for the alternate side of the entryway made at our expense.   Scott will get a quote just to inquire.
Some of our residents were angered by the letter they received requesting they remove their alarm company  signs from their property. We have a committee preparing an amendment to the CCR’s making that would address this issue. Any amendment will have to be approved by 2/3rds of our community as well as our changes to the By-laws.  Both should be sent to the community before summer.
Two of the five companies we sent an RFP concerning the road drainage and swale repairs submitted a proposal.  After much discussion, we voted.
Mike made the motion to accept the 2 proposals from AJ Job’s and the motion was 2nd by Susan.  Approved by all.
New Business
A motion was made to approve the CCR compliance letters by Susan and 2nd by mike.  Approved by all.  
A sample copy of the CCR Compliance letter will be shown at our next Homeowner meeting.
Our next board meeting is scheduled for Saturday May 13, at 10:00am and open for attendance by members in good standing.
The annual board nominations meeting is scheduled for Saturday June 3, at 10:00am. There are two open seats this year.
We discussed drafting a revision to our Renters Policy that would require an annual registration of $250 for all landlords. We will add an implementation date and consequences for not registering tenants. In addition, all landlords must be in good standing at the time of their annual registration. This will be added to our Rules and Regulations.
Mike made the motion to make the changes to the Renters Policy and 2nd by Susan.  Approved by all.
Concerns were expressed about AAF not bringing our community to the standards we have grown to rely on. For example, the last small snow storm we had, you can hear the plow did not have plow sliders on the plow that will destroy our roads, our entryway still had lots of dead mum plants in the ground and at the guard house.  The 2 areas at the corner after our gate and stop sign have bushes needing trimming and the garbage/recycle area is looking unsightly.  Scott is meeting with Matt at AAF this week and will mention this to him. AAF is getting ready to clean up our swales.  They are now sweeping our roads.
A motion was made to formally close the meeting by Susan and the motion was 2nd by Pete.  Approved by all.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
Kindest regards,
Susan Nikolaou
The Glen at Tamiment Board of Directors


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager


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