Town News|

March 3, 2023

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the February President’s Report:

President’s Report February 2023
Even though it says February on the calendar, it has been rather mild so far this winter. The unseasonably warmer days have led many of our residents to get a jump start on repairs and improvements usually left until the spring. We want to remind all our members that a permit is required to be submitted to the office for Design and Review approval prior to most outside work being done, including the rental of dumpsters for clean up purposes. Please help us out and avoid preventable violation notices by checking with the office staff prior to scheduling projects like roof replacement, driveway repavement, tree cutting, lot grading, and others. Our community manager Scott will let you know if the project you are planning requires a permit submission and approval before starting the work. Taking a few minutes to check can save you hundreds of dollars in citations, not to mention aggravation.
It warms my heart to report that a number of residents have recently donated food to help our community members in need. We have taken these donations and distributed boxes of food to multiple families here. Taking a few moments to help out our neighbors is what community is all about. Whether it’s donating food, helping to find a lost fur baby, or lending tools to a neighbor in need we celebrate you for demonstrating these core values.
As mentioned during the January Town Hall meeting, 148 members paid their annual and special assessment for 2023 in full and received the $75 credit. While this is certainly good news, we unfortunately have 53 members who have not paid anything for 2023 yet. We urge anyone who is experiencing financial difficulty to contact our Community Manager Scott to make payment arrangements and avoid costly legal collections fees. We would rather work with members who are proactively communicating with us than send property to the sheriff’s sale because our attempts to reach them are ignored.
Our next homeowners information meeting is scheduled for March 18th and will be open to members in good standing in person and via Zoom. The Events Committee will be serving coffee and donuts starting at 9 AM that day with the meeting beginning at 10 AM. Your Board of Directors will be presenting updates to the community and providing a members forum.
Lastly, our Assistant Community Manager Marissa Johnson is returning from medical leave at the end of this month. We are holding a Welcome Back party for her on March 4th from 3 to 4 PM and invite all of you to stop by.


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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