Town News|

March 23, 2023 Dear Residents, Please see the attached email consent form that was adopted after the CCR amendment was voted on and approved to allow residents to receive all correspondence via email. If you choose to opt in, you will receive all correspondence required in the by-laws to be sent to you via email only instead of the traditional USPS delivery. This includes the nominations meeting notice, budget meeting notice, election meeting notice, violation letters and late letters. This does not include monthly statements! If you are looking to sign up for e-statements, please see the link below. If you change your email, it is required that you let the office staff know immediately so that you will continue to receive all important community documentation. As stated above, it’s important to remember that after you sign off on the agreement, you will no longer be receiving the required notices in the by-laws via USPS. Electronic notifications provide you with critical information faster and reduce the postage and mailing costs of the Association. Although it is strongly encouraged to opt in for electronic communication, it is not mandatory. Should you have any questions, please let us know and we would be happy to help! Sincerely, Marissa Johnson Assistant Community Manager   Link to sign up for e-statements: e-Statements (  

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