Town News|

May 25th, 2022

Dear Residents,
As you all are aware, the pool has been going through construction. Management along with the experts at Cornerstone Engineering have been working closely with Superior Pools who have been contracted to do the repairs.
In April, Superior Pools performed multiple tests to identify where the leak was located. After this discovery, the pool was then fully drained, and the repairs were applied to the pool with Cornerstone Engineering’s approval. The pool was then refilled to make sure the leak was fully corrected. After multiple days the water level stayed exactly the same which signified that the leak was repaired.
In May, the pool was drained to prepare for the plastering of the pool. The pool was fully prepped on Saturday, May 21st and set to start re-plastering on Sunday, May 22nd. Unfortunately, the plaster delivery hit a shipping delay which held up the repairs. Superior Pools plans on doing the repairs this coming weekend which unfortunately means that the pool will not be open by Memorial Day weekend. All vendors are working hard to get our pool open as soon as possible. Since the pool will not be open on Memorial Day, the pool season will be extended to after Labor Day to make up for all lost days. We are looking forward to a wonderful pool season with a newly remodeled pool for all to enjoy. Thank you for your patience and we look forward to letting all of you know when the pool will officially open.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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