Town News|

May 11, 2022

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the May 2022 President’s Report:

President’s Report May 2022
May brings new life and the blossoming of our community. Pool repairs are underway, and we anticipate the opening on Memorial Day weekend. We have engaged the professional engineering firm Cornerstone Consulting to act as the project manager for the pool repairs and upcoming road repairs. In addition, our management team is busy hiring staff for the pool season and checking to see that all pool equipment is cleaned up and ready. Finally, don’t forget to sign up for the Memorial Day Potluck Picnic hosted by the Events Committee. We look forward to celebrating the start of the season with all of you.
We are holding the annual Nominations Meeting for all members in good standing on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 10 AM in the gathering room of the clubhouse, both in person and via Zoom. There is one board seat up for election this August, so we encourage you to attend the June meeting and nominate candidates for the board. If you have any questions regarding what is required to serve on the board of directors, please contact our Community Manager Scott Matthews Jr. We will be updating members on community issues at this meeting and providing a members forum at the end. As a bonus, the Events Committee hosts a Party on the Lawn and Food Truck Festival from noon to 5 PM following the meeting. There will be a DJ, lawn games, and food trucks. This day is your opportunity to be engaged, informed, and part of what it means to be a community.
We are again calling on all members to participate in legally amending our governing documents by asking for a resident from each street to volunteer to be a block captain. The block captain will be integral to our efforts to get the word out to your neighbors to vote on the proposed amendments. We aim to present these proposed amendments at the Nominations Meeting in June and open up voting for two months. Unfortunately, amendments can only pass with a ⅔ vote in favor of the entire membership, so we need your help if you want to see changes.
As you may have noticed, the water company has transitioned all of us to monthly billing under the rate increase recently approved by the PUC. Many residents have expressed their shock and anger when receiving their first monthly bill. While we do not have a viable way of changing the current rates, we do have control over documenting issues that we experience with the service we receive. Community Utilities Inc. stated on record that they would be filing for another rate increase within the next 18 months. One of the reasons this last increase received approval was the lack of documented service problems by customers here in the community. Let’s change that. We have prepared a database that our management team will maintain to track and record resident complaints about the utility via email report. While we strongly encourage everyone to report issues to the utility company directly, this is an additional step we can take as a community to ensure we have a comprehensive log of problems. We will be sending these reports to the utility quarterly.
I am grateful for our volunteers. We have many committees and opportunities for you to participate. Won’t you consider volunteering to make a difference in our community? We actively seek members to help with emergency planning and updating our governing documents. Please speak to our management team if you desire to contribute. Let’s continue forward!


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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