Town News|

Dear Residents,

March 30, 2022, President’s Update
Our Community Management Team will be out of the office on Friday, April 1st, for regional training. The clubhouse will be open, but the office will be closed. If you need assistance with administrative or financial matters, please contact the Resident Customer Care Center at 800-870-0010. In addition, our Compliance Officers are here from 7 AM to 7 PM and can be reached directly by calling 570-245-5059.
We are pleased to announce that the members attending our meeting on Saturday overwhelmingly approved the awarding of the pool repair contract to Superior Pools and hiring a project manager to supervise the repairs. Superior has scheduled to begin work on the pools the second week of April, weather permitting. As explained at the meeting, they will be refinishing the interior of the pools up to the tile line and temporary repairs for the rest of the pool to get us safely through the season. Once the pool season has ended, they will perform permanent repairs to the tile, coping, and remaining items.
In response to Lehman Township’s decision to stop servicing our leaf and brush pile, we have closed off the area. Residents may take their brush, leaves, and branches at any time to the compost pile at the township building for free. Contractors working on behalf of residents should use the Oak Grove compost facility behind Price Chopper in Stroudsburg. We are willing to explore starting our community-based compost area; however, we would need volunteer assistance to make this work. Any member interested in helping research this process should email our Assistant Community Manager Marissa Johnson at Please remember that blowing your leaves into the swales is not allowed as it hampers the community stormwater management system.
We are finalizing the new violation and grievance procedures along with evaluating the suggestions made by the Rules and Regulations Committee. We will publish these for the community when completed. Any feedback concerning the committee recommendations announced at the meeting should be sent in writing to our Community Manager no later than April 12th.
We announced our keen interest in starting an ad hoc Emergency Readiness Committee during the homeowner meeting. The unpredictability of weather and geopolitical events coupled with a clubhouse equipped with working showers, toilets, and kitchen presents an ideal time to make plans. The Committee would be responsible for investigating materials and funding needed to create a warming center in the clubhouse for our residents, creating a written emergency plan, and other options such as a community garden. The Red Cross is willing to assist us with this process, and there may be grants available as well. Please contact Marissa in the office if you are willing to volunteer for this project.
Rounding out the updates with some positive news, the Performing Arts Center formerly owned by Wolfington has sold. We hear that the new owner plans to refurbish the building and hold concerts again. We continue to monitor developments with the Tamiment lands and will keep you updated. Additionally, Burke Asphalt has responded to the demand letter from our attorney and indicated a settlement would be possible. We are cautiously optimistic that we can recoup some of the costs for our community.
Lastly, the Strategic Planning Committee is sending out a survey this week. We ask that you take five minutes to fill it out. Our goal is 80 percent participation so let’s see if we can make that happen! As mentioned previously, we are ready to change some of the outdated restrictions, and we need you to make it happen.


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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