Town News|

March 12, 2022

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the latest board brief:
  • Lehman Township’s new EMS service begins this week. This service should improve response time to our residents. The township also announced their Cleanup Days starting in June.
  • Lehman Township will no longer maintain or service our leaf and brush compost pile. Therefore, our community will have to make other arrangements for natural debris disposal. We will discuss this at our Homeowners Information Meeting on March 26th and wish to hear your thoughts and ideas.
  • The Rules and Regulations Committee is completing their recommended updates and aims to present the changes to the whole community on March 26th at the Homeowner Meeting.
  • The Events Committee is preparing for the opening day of the Fitness Center later this month. They will prepare healthy snacks and smoothies and have wellness and fitness professionals on hand for the grand opening. The opening is tentatively scheduled for March 22nd from 3:30 to 5:30 PM.
  • We are collaborating with Eagle Point POA to ensure our current access and rights remain in place with the recent sale of Wolfington’s property.
  • We are looking into ways to protect our roads from damage caused by 10 ton + GVW heavy vehicles.
  • The number of delinquent members accounts is half of last year. We continue to take aggressive collection action against any seriously delinquent accounts and encourage members struggling to reach out to our Community Manager.
  • We successfully hired our second Compliance Officer. Our Compliance Officers are now available seven days a week from 7 AM to 7 PM.
  • The pressure testing and leak detection of our pool are almost complete. Several leaks have already been identified. We will update the community at our meeting on March 26th with the full results and our action plan.
We ask that any member with comments, suggestions, or questions regarding these items please reach out in writing to our Community Manager Scott Matthews Jr. via email to before our next board meeting in two weeks. 
The Events Committee has raised $774 and received approval to use these funds to purchase a large commercial grill for the community! In addition, they are hosting a special Red Cross speaker presentation on Fire Prevention and Home Safety Tips on March 19th at 9 AM that includes free smoke detectors for residents who attend. The committee is also holding an Easter Egg Hunt on April 9th at noon and will have music, games, and refreshments during the event. So bring your kids and grandkids!


Marissa Johnson

Assistant Community Manager

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