Town News|

November 10, 2021

Dear Residents,

We thank all of you who attended the budget meeting and hope we provided useful factual information. We have received positive feedback from most of those in attendance and want to express our gratitude. Respectful, courteous discussions and questions are welcomed and encouraged. We do not shy away from a healthy debate on topics. This community belongs to all of us. We welcome differing opinions and views as we are a diverse bunch of neighbors with different priorities and talents, all with the same goal of living peacefully in this beautiful place we call home.
We ask once again that you submit your comments, question, and concerns to our Community Manager Scott in writing. The office will email the President’s report, Treasurer’s report, and 2022 budget to every resident and place copies in the green mailbox adjacent to the postal service mailboxes. We are holding a follow-up homeowner meeting on December 4th at 10 AM, as promised in the meeting where we will respond to every members’ questions.
We received some constructive comments and suggestions during the meeting and will be considering them. We also had some members who expressed their displeasure. While we appreciate all member interaction, please remember that disrespectful behavior and vulgar comments at meetings strongly discourage other residents from attending meetings or engaging with the community. Without resident engagement, there is no community. During difficult and turbulent times like the ones we are facing in the world today, we need each other even more. We need to come together to support and help each other. We are not going to agree with each other on everything all the time, and that’s okay as long as we can remain respectful of each other and find common ground.
We request that if you become aware of a problem or issue, please bring it to our attention through one of the many official ways of communication. We are all volunteers on the board and do not have superpower abilities. It is easy to be a Monday morning quarterback and find things to pick apart. However, it requires great integrity and strength of character to be part of the solution. So many of you have risen to the challenge and pitched in to help the community, and we salute you.
For our part as a board and management team, we pledge to always treat every resident with respect, dignity, and civility. We promised an “open door” policy and have stood by it. We welcome your engagement and your volunteerism. We pledge to continue to foster a greater sense of community and inclusion while honoring our community diversity. We look forward to all of you joining us to make this a beautifully diverse community, and thank you again for the honor and privilege of being your board of directors. We appreciate all our fabulous volunteers and could always use more help in keeping our community thriving.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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