Town News|

October 27th 2021

Dear Residents,

Once again, the office has been fielding questions pertaining to rumors swirling around the community. As the community manager, I am happy to answer any question or concern that a resident has to the best of my ability. If any of you have specific problems, please email and make an appointment to sit down with me. I am happy to provide documentation and information that should address your requests. With that said, let me clarify a few recent concerns.
Q: Is the in-person budget meeting canceled?
A: No, absolutely not. The meeting is set for Saturday, November 6, 2021, at 10 AM and is open for all members in good standing to attend both in-person and on Zoom. It is each member’s choice as to how they would prefer to attend. We hope to see everyone there.
Q: Why did you send out that email about the office staff being sick then?
A: Several residents expressed their frustration with not being able to reach the office staff. We simply wanted the community to know about extenuating circumstances resulting in delayed response time to inquiries due to unexpected illnesses.
Q: Does this mean the Halloween Party is canceled?
A: No. Many of your neighbors have worked very hard to give the community this event. We have been following CDC cleaning protocols since they were initiated and continue to do so. The clubhouse is thoroughly cleaned. The party is still on as scheduled, and we encourage you to come out and enjoy the festivities.
Q: Why haven’t you mailed a copy of the budget out to all of us yet? What are you trying to hide?
A: We are hiding nothing. We will present the 2022 budget will at the meeting, like always, and then send it out via blast email following the meeting. In addition, there will be a thirty-day written comment period like last year, allowing all members to express their opinions and concerns. The 2022 assessment formal letters will be mailed in early December, following the comment period.
Q: The board obviously doesn’t think the budget is a priority if they postponed the meeting because of a Halloween Party. Don’t you think they need to get their priorities straight?
A: The budget is a huge priority for the board and so is fostering a greater sense of community and inclusion. The Events Committee made a request of the board because of Halloween falling on the same weekend. The Events Committee put a lot of time and effort into this party for the community and the board didn’t think it would be appropriate to hold the budget meeting while surrounded by party decorations. The Board has held 26 hours of meetings, including with vendors and the financial department, on the budget alone.
As always, we invite our members to join us, volunteer on a committee, and make a positive difference.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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