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Dear Residents,

We have been fielding a number of questions pertaining to rumors swirling around the community. As the property manager, I am happy to answer any question or concern that a resident has to the best of my ability. If any of you have specific problems, please reach out and make an appointment to sit down with me. I can provide documentation and information that should address your requests. With that said, let me clarify a few recent concerns.

Q: Did we really spend $10,000 on picnic tables for the lake?

A: No, the picnic tables cost a total of $405.98 which includes staining, sealing, and delivery.

Q: How did you allow $10,000 of our money to be washed into the lake?

A: It wasn’t. We didn’t. The retaining wall did its job and held the sand at the beach area. Nothing was lost. Furthermore, the total costs for all the improvements explicitly done at the beach totaled $6273.69, including labor, delivery, and materials. We actually saved money thanks to the lake committee and board members volunteering their time and energy.

Q: With most community members recently voting for Security “Option A,” does that mean you are using the budget savings for amenities?

A: No. The board mentioned presenting the budget to all of you this fall. Everyone involved in the process is acutely aware of the rise in basic costs and doing everything possible to reduce dues to the community.

Q: Why couldn’t we ask questions about the budget at the special meeting? What are you trying to hide?

A: Nothing. We are hiding nothing. Our governing documents clearly state that topics of discussion at any special meeting are limited to the items on the agenda. That agenda item was security options only. Any general discussion of budget questions can be addressed through me in writing or presented to the board at your next members’ meeting. I am happy to make an appointment with any concerned member and show them any original documentation or invoices they would like to see, as long as it does not infringe upon another member’s privacy or violate state and federal law.

Q: Why did you spend our money renovating a perfectly good clubhouse? That was unnecessary.

A: Actually, it was essential. There were areas of the clubhouse that were long-neglected, creating water intrusion into the building. Portions of the carpets, trim, and drywall were repeatedly soaked, causing mold. Additionally, we relied on our professional reserve study to replace certain assets.

Q: Why were we given less than a week to vote?

A: We wish we had more time, but Securitas gave us a 30-day termination notice on Friday, August 13th. Their decision leaves precious little time preparing RFPs, soliciting proposals, meeting with vendors, performing due diligence, and implementing a new system. Keep in mind that we cannot fully install replacement technology until Securitas removes its equipment. There are many pieces to consider in this puzzle, and yet the board decided to engage the community in the process. The community voted on these options.

Q: I disagree with things going on in here. Where is my refund?

A: We encourage all of our members in good standing to get involved. If you have a concern about overspending, we invite you to join the finance committee. Monday morning quarterbacking does not benefit anyone here in the community. Spreading rumors and inaccurate information only serves to divide residents and benefits no one. Instead of complaining, be part of the solution. Join a committee and make a difference.

The board of directors and management team loves this community, and we are committed to making the best decisions we can with the information we have. We invite all members to join us and make a positive difference.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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