Town News|

August 7, 2021

Dear Residents,

The results of the 2021 Annual Election and the CCR amendment vote are in!

For the Board Candidate vote, a total of 76 votes were casted. 55 votes were for Michael Blair. Congratulations to Michael Blair and welcome to the Board of Directors at the Glen at Tamiment!
For the CCR Amendment vote, there was a total of 78 votes with 51 in favor and 27 against changing the CCR ruling. However, we need 2/3rds of members in good standing to vote yes on this issue to amend the CCRs therefore, the current rule will remain. We would like to continue trying since the majority voted in favor of making the changes. We encourage all residents in good standing to get involved if they would like to see changes in the CCRs.
Thank you all and have a wonderful rest of your weekend.


Scott Matthews Jr.

Community Manager

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