Town News|

June 9, 2021
Hello Residents,

Beverly Leisten, a long time resident of Tamiment passed away unexpectedly on May 20, 2021. She and her husband Jerry have lived at the Glenn in Tamiment for 21 years.
She organized the Welcome Committee – where she would meet new homeowners face to face and give them a booklet with the name and address of the hospital, the schools, closest pharmacy, theatre, restaurants and a guide to the Delaware Water Gap, National Park. She continued the work of the hospitality committee, planning parties BBQ`s pool parties and various social events for homeowners to meet and mingle. Beverly had moved several times to several states and knew what it was like to be a newcomer – she wanted to help everyone feel welcome.
She was a key member of the Torch Club, organizing venues for the club to meet. She served as a member on the Eagle Village Advisory Board and she was one of the only non-skiing members of the Pocono Ski Club. She enjoyed the serenity of the outdoors and nature that Tamiment provided and she will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Our community is the very best because we have people like Beverly who go out of their way to help a neighbor

Please keep the Leisten family in your thoughts and prayers.

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