Town News|

June 9, 2021

Hello Residents,

Please see below for information regarding the telephonic public input hearing from the Office of Consumer Advocate regarding the Water/Sewer price hike:

Good morning.


I can confirm that the telephonic Public Input Hearing will be on June 29 at 6pm.  I am providing the call-in information at the bottom of this email.


The ALJ requires all customers to sign-up for the hearing, in advance, by calling the OCA.   Our toll-free number is 800-684-6560.  Each person should provide the OCA with their name, the telephone number they plan to use the day of the hearing, and the topic of their testimony (for example, proposed rates are too high, quality problem, service issue).


We think the conferencing system can handle about 100 people on the phone at the same time – so please encourage people who want to testify to sign up early.  If many customers just want to listen, and can safely gather, having a group listen on one speakerphone is another way to make sure that everyone who wants to is able to participate.


Customers can begin calling the OCA to sign up today (they do not need to wait to receive formal notice).


We had talked before about the HOA needing an attorney to file a complaint, however, you could testify at the public input hearing without one.  You would not be speaking for the POA but as someone who is a customer and who hears other customers’ concerns because of your role with the POA.



To participate in the hearing:

•             You must dial the toll-free number listed below

•             You must enter a PIN number when instructed to do so, also listed below

•             You must speak your name when prompted

•             The telephone system will connect you to the hearing


Toll-free Bridge Number:              (832) 831-2424

Passcode:                                            124064

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