Town News|

January 25, 2021
Hello Residents,

Met-Ed will be shutting off the power to the entire community by 8:30 am till 2:30 pm tomorrow. If the weather is bad as it is supposed to snow, it will be rescheduled to Wednesday at the same time. Met-Ed stated they called all homeowners on Saturday to inform them of this but I wanted to reach out to make sure all homeowners are aware. During the time of the outage, the trash area will be closed and Security will be at the front gate checking in visitors. One gate will remain open for residents/visitors to come in the community. If you need assistance please call 1-800-870-0010 or if you need security please call 570-832-7539.

Thank you.

Scott Matthews

Property Manager


Editor’s Note: Please note that this is NOT something the Glen management and board have any control over. It is the electric company who has scheduled this for their repairs at and near the substation on Bushkill Falls Rd.

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