Town News|

January 13, 2024

Dear Residents,

Please see the letter below regarding the WATER COMPANY INCREASE HEARING.  It is very important that we have as many residents in attendance as possible, please come to this hearing.

January 12, 2024
Dear Residents,
I am writing to inform you that the PUC just scheduled an in person public input hearing concerning the proposed rate increase by CUPA for Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 6 PM in our clubhouse gathering room.
I implore you to attend this formal hearing, even if you have not filed an official complaint yet. There is strength in numbers and we need every single resident to attend! The more people who sign up to express their displeasure or anger with the proposed rate increase, the more the PUC and Judge pay attention. You don’t need to have filed a formal complaint to attend this public hearing and the Administrative Law Judge and representative attorneys will be present.
To date, the PUC has only received  30 formal complaints from residents in our community. There is still time to fill out and send in your form, so stop by the office or print one out from our website if you need one. I can’t stress this enough, even if you do not have any issues with billing or the quality of the service or water, a 70 percent increase in your monthly cost is going to give our residents the dubious distinction of having one of the highest monthly water and sewer bills in the entire country! We need your voice, every single voice, to have a fighting chance in getting this increase denied.
I know that this rate increase will negatively impact every single resident if approved. The general principle involved in paying outrageous prices for clean water and sewer services makes this worth your time.  In addition, we have discovered potential errors in the accounting data and method used by CUPA to justify this increase to the PUC and have gotten the attention of the Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement for PA.
Here are just a few examples of how this increase will impact you financially.
  • If you use an average of 2,500 gallons of water per month, your bill will go from $108 to $176
  • If you use an average of 3,600 gallons of water per month, your bill will go from $136 to $221
  • If you use an average of 5,000 gallons of water per month, your bill will go from $171 to $278
  • The monthly combined base rate, even if you use zero gallons of water that month, will increase from $45 to $75
  • Your homeowners insurance is at risk for increasing because the yellow hydrants located throughout the community are flushing hydrants for the water company’s use, NOT fire hydrants.
So please, I urge you, come to the public input hearing on February 1st. Let your voice be heard. Let’s fight for what is right here, together. Thank you.
Cindy Toscano




Amy Sunbury 
Assistant Community Manager

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