Town News|

January 5th, 2024

Dear Residents,

Please see below for the November board meeting minutes:

The Glen at Tamiment POA
Board of Directors Meeting
November 29, 2023
In Attendance:  Cindy Toscano, Mike Blair, Pete Paryzki, Rick Hoover, Kristen Martin, Scott Matthews
Cindy called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.  A quorum was present.
Approval of October 24th board meeting minutes –a motion was made by Rick Hoover and 2nd by Pete Paryzki. All in favor.
President’s Report November 2023
The holiday season brings an energized atmosphere to our community with many more members in residence this time of year. This is a good time to remind everyone of our overarching goals and direction for this community. We continuously work towards creating a space where all of us can live, play, and thrive. You can help us achieve this by being mindful of our restrictive covenants and rules, including following the speed limit and picking up pet waste.
The entire board has been tirelessly examining our expenses looking for opportunities to restructure for savings to our overall operating costs and future replacement expenses and increase participation and enjoyment of our community. We are deferring nonessential repairs and replacements indicated in our reserve study, such as our water heater and microwave, because they are currently functional. Our team is also reviewing business partner contracts to find cost savings without sacrificing services and have implemented a routine maintenance schedule to prolong the life of our assets.
We have a request from our postal carrier Pete to share with you. The amount of packages being delivered has greatly increased due to the time of year, and many packages are unable to be delivered to the already full parcel lockers, leaving them to be returned to the post office for pickup. The frustration associated with this issue can be avoided by promptly picking up your mail at the clubhouse parking lot on a regular basis. Parcel lockers are less numerous than regular mailboxes and fill up quickly. Thank you for your cooperation.
A mass communication email from the office has been sent to all residents regarding the substantial rate hike filed by our water company. This email contains the official formal complaint forms, sample complaint form narrative and talking points, a brochure concerning utility rate increases, and information on filing methods. Our goal is to garner enough participation in filing from all of you that the PUC orders an in person hearing with an administrative law judge in our clubhouse. We implore you to let your voice be heard and help us mitigate the tremendous percentage increase being requested by our water and wastewater provider.
We are grateful for your civility, patience, and constructive dialog with us and our staff when you have concerns or challenges. We also greatly appreciate your kindness, donation of time, money, or expertise, and feedback when we are doing things right. As always, we invite your participation and wholesale engagement in the association as a way to ensure we go forward in the manner best befitting our members’ vision.
Treasurer’s Report
October Financials were not available yet but will be presented at our December 12th Homeowner Association Meeting.
We did our final review on the 2024 Dues Packet. This included the breakdown for each lot type, how to pay, and discount to be given to those who pay in full prior to January 15th.
This packet will be sent out electronically for all those who opted in.
Committee Reports 
Events Committee
The events committee was restructured with a governing body instead of just one head committee chair to help allocate the duties and responsibilities. These responsibilities include workbook for tracking supplies, funds, attendance etc, secretary for taking notes and communication to the community and collaboration on ideas/vision. Our new governing body consists of Valerie Simmons, Christina Garcia and Annie Barerra. (Congratulations ladies)
Upcoming Events
Decorating the clubhouse will be Friday December 1st at 5pm in the gathering room. All volunteers are welcomed. This year our theme will be Polar Express.
Tree Lighting will be Monday December 4th from 5:30-8 PM in the gathering room.
Breakfast with Santa Saturday December 9th come climb aboard The Polar Express and have Breakfast with Santa in your pajamas!! from 9:30am-11:30am right here in the Clubhouse Gathering Room!
Call the office or register online. Cost for this event is $5.00 per person, children under 2 are free.
Bake Sale will be Saturday December 9th following Breakfast with Santa in the gathering room. Please come and support and get your holiday goodies.
Poconos Lights Drive-Thru Christmas Experience Our neighbors at Pocono Park are having a one-of-a-kind adventure that takes you on a journey spanning over one mile. As you drive through this magical wonderland, you’ll be surrounded by the radiant glow of lights, each one telling a story of holiday cheer. They are offering us a discount code for 20 % off their flex pass, please use code THEGLEN when purchasing. Visit their website for more info.
-NYE Karaoke Sunday December 31st from 8PM – 1AM in the clubhouse gathering room.
It will be a Potluck and Bring Your Own Sip (BYOS)
Soda, Water, Coffee, Chips, Veggies and Dip will be provided.
So come on out and have some fun and Sing 2023 away! Come on 2024!
Old Business
Rules and Regulations Update 
Discussed, making a few changes and will review again before voting on.
Culvert Pipe Replacement
Scott will do a final tour of community to check each home. Letters will be sent out to owners who’s culvert pipe is either damaged, blocked or clogged and needs repair. All homeowners must maintain their own culvert pipes to ensure proper water flow is occurring.
Water Company Rate Increase
As you know the water company is trying to increase the water rates for both water and wastewater. We need to work together to combat this hike rate! The office will be distributing forms to fill out, 2 per each household to try to stop this rate hike. We will be mailing these out on behalf of the residents.
Help is being offered at the office to fill out the forms if assistance is needed. Let’s work together to fight this insane 64% rate increase!
-Entry Sign 
No update at this current time
Copies of proposed changes to be handed out at Homeowner’s Meeting on 12/10 to the residents. Will go over with residents if any questions in regards to wording so that when voting period opens everyone is clear on the format.
-Rental Policy 
Board signed off on the new policy effective January 31st 2024.
A motion was made to vote on the new rental policy by Cindy Toscano; the motion was 2nd by Mike Blair. Approved by all.
New Business
Speed Camera Proposal
A quote was received for radar camera option for speed control. This quote was considered after so many complaints have been received from residents on speeding in the community.
We voted and the motion failed.
A motion was made to vote for the radar camera by Cindy Toscano; the motion was 2nd by Rick Hoover.  The motion failed 3 to 2 against motion failed.
Block Captains
Fellow resident Donna Vaupel has graciously volunteered to help in recruiting members to help try to get a block captain for each block.
2024 Assessment Package Inserts
Four (4) mailers were presented and approved to be included in the budget package for 2024.
  1. Message from BOD on an overall update on what we are doing and goals we hope to achieve. Such as preventative maintenance, aggressive account collections, discussing the road issues.
  2. Reminder/Reiteration on what can/cannot be put in the dumpsters. We want to minimize the citation of illegal dumping.
  3. Reminder to slow down when driving in community, break down cardboard, proper tree/leaf and branch disposal and to please fill out permits for all scheduled work to property prior to starting.
  4. Reach out and encourage residents to come out and join a committee and if you don’t see a committee that resonates with you, propose a new one!
Recycling and trash
We are continually looking for ways to cut cost and save money. Due to some recent analysis we discovered that currently our recycling bins dimensions and cost are :
(1) 8 yard dumpsters $143
(1) 10 yard dumpsters $300
So it is costing us more then double for 2 additional yards!
We are looking into possibly doing (3) 8 yard dumpsters which would allow for more recycle space for us for less money.
A motion was made to close the meeting by Cindy Toscano; the motion was 2nd by Rick Hoover.  Meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm.
Kindest regards,
Kristen Martin
The Glen at Tamiment Board of Directors


Scott Matthews Jr.

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