Town News|

January 5th, 2024

Dear Residents,
As a reminder, to vote in this year’s By-Law amendments, you need to be at a $0 balance or have a credit by January 15th. If you are paying monthly, all association dues are due by the 1st of the month with a grace period until the 15th of the month. All payments must hit the account by the 15thin order to be eligible to vote and avoid late fees and interest. Please remember to pay within a few days of the 1st when paying online or check through the mail as they take time to process.

 Voting will start after the 15th of January by online voting as well as paper ballots. The voting will go on till April 15th of this year. For those who are eligible to vote, you will receive an online voting email from Election Buddy to vote. Paper ballots can be requested through the office and once completed, can be dropped into the ballot box. A mass communication email will be sent once the voting has begun. Should you have any questions or issues with making payments or have any questions pertaining to the By-Law amendments, please do not hesitate to ask the office for help. 

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!


Scott Matthews Jr.

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